I've been itching to make art again for a while. In college I made a screenprint of a woman wearing an artichoke as a dress, and I'd always planned on continuing that series to include other vegetables but didn't get around to it until about a month ago. I designed two more prints and revised the artichoke one, sent them off to be laser-cut into stencils (cheating, I know), bought spray paint at
33third (huge selection of colors, cheap, local, and very helpful), and waited eagerly for my stencils to arrive. I painted my first batch February 19 and when I brought them down to Jewlicious to show off, people liked them so much they all sold! I even
got tweeted! I made a second batch earlier this week, and I'm hoping to experiment with different materials in the near future. Let me know if you want to buy one or three!
Here's a single artichoke print, three colors on cardboard, the inside rectangle being 6" x 11":

And one with all three on one board, from left bok choi, broccoli, artichoke:

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