Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I was supposed to go to Tel Aviv this morning to spend the day with a friend of my parents’ but as I was getting my stuff together, Micah informs me of this: there is a terror alert in Tel Aviv and the city is under lockdown, roadblocks have been set up, and traffic is backed up from Tel Aviv to Modi’in, halfway on the hour’s drive to Jerusalem. Everything’s been relatively quiet since I got here, aside from a minor riot in Ashdod after Yom Kippur and the ongoing drama in Hebron with a few Jews who are living in houses they technically own but probably shouldn’t be living in. Stupid friggin’ terrorists. This comes after my proposed trip to Eilat and Petra this week got postponed because my friend who I was planning on going with recently became an Israeli citizen and thus needs an Israeli passport to leave the country, which he doesn’t have yet. (And after the friend I was planning on going with originally tells me she won’t make it to Israel until right before I leave, and then not at all, for reasons that are annoying though not in her control.) I vow to spend the rest of the day sulking.

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